Explore the benefits of partnering with EnTrust.

No cost of proposal.

Any consultation or proposal to develop an array comes entirely without risk or expense. At EnTrust we pride ourselves on operating a business model that frees our potential partners from pressure - just common sense financials.

No cost of development.

Our partners have absolutely no out of pocket expense for proposal, development, construction, or maintenance of our solar arrays.

See an immediate savings.

Our goal is to generate savings for our partners in their utility costs. Once an array is constructed, our partners simply purchase electricity generated by the array we have built and own at a rate below their existing utility costs.

No pressure - just common sense.

Solar developments are not the answer for all of our interested parties. There may be land or space constraints, political considerations, or utility restrictions. We are committed to resolving all of the above should an interested partner’s need ever arise, but at the end of the day a solar development is about common sense. If the engineering or finances of a project proposal do not work out in the favor of our partners - then we thank them for the opportunity to collaborate and move on. There is no risk involved with soliciting our partnership. Just common sense.

Forget it exists.

Once an array is energized, EnTrust continues to own and operate the array. Our partners are not responsible for site maintenance, operations, or facilities. If a panel is damaged and needs replaced, we take care of that. If the array site is not generating up to its peak capacity - we take care of that. There is nothing that our partners need to concern themselves with once the array is built - or from day one of working with us. Solar arrays are challenging; let us do the hard stuff.

Or don’t.

For our partners in the education industry such as schools and universities, our arrays make excellent educational tools. Your pupils will have the opportunity to see energy generation and environmental stewardship firsthand in a tangible, realized form. We are proud to help these partners maximize the educational value of our arrays by providing interactive tooling for students and faculty alike to analyze the instantaneous and average energy production figures from the array site(s.)


  • There are solutions available to accommodate our partners who do not have the ability to install a simple ground-mount system. These include rooftop mounting solutions, carports, or an entirely different financial instrument known as a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement or VPPA.

  • There really isn’t!

  • There isn’t one. Our business model relies on Investment or Production Tax Credits to reduce the expense of development and Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) awarded to array owners for energy production to provide continued income. Please reach out to us for more information regarding this - we are glad to explain our business model to any interested party.

  • The entire process of development from preliminary discussions to energization of the array can be as short as 8 to 12 months, though each development may have specific considerations which may delay or expedite the process.

  • Yes! We’re committed to working around adverse circumstances. Please reach out to us, and we can discuss.